Chennai:Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami on Monday laid the foundation stone for the construction of a TIDEL IT Park at Pattabiram, with an aim to usher in development in the northern parts of the city.
Palaniswami laid the foundation stone via video conferencing for the 5.57 lakh sq.ft facility, an official release said.
The estimated Rs 235 crore facility will be the second TIDEL Park in the city, with the first one being located on the busy Rajiv Gandhi Salai, also known as the city's IT Corridor for the presence of various software companies along the route. The release said that much like the first TIDEL Park ensured development in south Chennai, the upcoming facility will act as a platform to usher in social and economic growth in the northern parts.
It will encourage new businesses around it, benefitting 25,000 people with direct employment opportunities, and will be completed in 24 months, the release added.