Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswamy on Saturday announced Rs 10 lakh each to the next of kin of victims, who their lives due to cyclone 'Burevi'.
According to sources, Palaniswamy will provide a total relief of Rs 10 lakhs each to the families of the victims which includes Rs 4 lakhs from the State Disaster Relief Fund, and Rs 6 lakhs from CM relief fund.
He further announced compensation to people who lost their houses and cattle. A total of 75 and 1,725 houses were fully and partially damaged in the rain respectively.
"The state government has intensified various precautionary measures on wartime after the announcement by the Indian Meteorological Department that, cyclone 'Burevi' would cross the border between Pamban - Kanyakumari on the night of December 3. Due to these proper actions, large number of casualties were avoided," an official of CMO said.