Chennai: Tamil superstar Rajinikanth on Friday released the teaser for the 44th FIDE Chess Olympiad, set to take place in Mahabalipuram, near Chennai, from July 28. "We are all proud that the 44th FIDE Chess Olympiad will be held in India for the first time, and that too in our Tamil Nadu. I am very happy to release its teaser of this event, which is to be inaugurated by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi Ji on July 28," Rajinikanth tweeted.
Superstar Rajnikanth releases 44th Chess Olympiad teaser
Superstar Rajinikanth on Friday featured the teaser video for the upcoming 44th FIDE Chess Olympiad, set to take place in Tamil Nadu's Mahabalipuram.
Superstar Rajnikanth Releases 44th Chess Olympiad teaser
Also read:PM Modi to inaugurate 44th Chess Olympiad in Chennai
He also wished CM MK Stalin a quick recovery from COVID. The teaser, meanwhile, displays monuments of Mahabalipuram and traditional as well as modern dance forms of the state. The video was directed by filmmaker Vignesh Sivan and famous music director A R Rahman. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin and Rahman both feature in the video. The event will go on till August 10.
Last Updated : Jul 15, 2022, 10:49 PM IST