Chennai: Tamil Nadu on Sunday observed a complete lockdown, the first during the current wave of the coronavirus pandemic, with operation of only essential services and roads were deserted as people remained indoors.
The second lockdown after a seven month hiatus saw closure of markets and all retail outlets, including state-run liquor stores and bars, while restaurants and hotels functioned for take away services alone.
Roads and highways were deserted, save for policemen and the occasional movement of vehicles involved in essential services like distribution of milk, ferrying of cargo and those working for online food order and delivery firms.
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The shopping hubs of Pondy Bazaar and and T Nagar here wore a desolate look.
Healthcare professionals and sanitary workers, however, continued their work as usual, as also personnel of civic bodies, who went about their field work.
'Amma Canteens', the state-run low cost eateries, worked as usual, catering to local people and workers.
Amid restrictions, temples in several places in Tamil Nadu, including Tiruvannamalai,witnessed weddings with reduced participation of guests, Sunday being an auspicious 'muhurtham' day.
Police put up barricades in important intersections across Tamil Nadu, including about 200 in the city, to check violations.