Chennai (Tamil Nadu) : The Cyber Crime Branch (CCB) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, has registered a case against BJP State President K. Annamalai for allegedly inciting violence and promoting enmity between two groups, sources said. The latest case is filed as part of the TN Government's crackdown on the leaders and persons involved in disseminating 'fake' videos and reports on alleged attacks on the North India migrant workers in the State.
According to police sources, a case has been filed in the CCB Cyber Crime Division under various sections of the IPC registered against the BJP TN unit President for trying to harm harmony by spreading fabricated and fake information. The Chennai Police has taken serious note of the raging migrant workers' issue as it has led to the Bihar Government sending a team of top officials to enquire into the matter in TN.
On his part, the BJP leader hit back at the Chennai Police and threw a challenge to them to take action against him. In a tweet here, K. Annamalaiah dared the Police and asked whether they can trample upon the foundations of democracy by registering fabricated cases. He further challenged the Police to take action against him in twenty-four hours.