New Delhi: After Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar and Electricity Minister P Thangamani met Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi on Monday, speculations have been rife that the former had discussed a wide range of issues, including their intention to pass a resolution about NRC in Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly (TNLA).
Before leaving for the capital city, Jayakumar, who interacted with the media in Chennai, stated that their visit was to primarily seek funds from the union government. Though, it was termed as a 'government-centric meeting', the ministers' silence over the 'unofficial' meet threw the topic open for more speculations.
The TN ministers had remained tight-lipped on the issue and sources indicate that getting Union Government's nod to passing a resolution in TNLA had been the main agenda of the meeting.
After Nitish Kumar's Janata Dal (United) passed a resolution against NRC, sources are disclosing that the AIADMK government in TN is also mulling to take a similar step.
AIADMK's ally - Pattali Makkal Katchi's (PMK) youth wing chief Anbumani Ramadoss, who met TN Chief Minister, had pressed to adopt a resolution against NRC. His father and PMK founder Ramadoss, a proponent for the caste-based census, had also been demanding the Union Government implement the same.