Masinagudi (The Nilgiris):A 20-member-special team from Tamil Nadu Forest Department arrived at Masinagudi to hunt down T-23 Tiger which turned notorious for killing people. The death toll in the tiger attack has touched four after T-23 attacked an 85-year-old shepherd and killed him recently.
After the fourth death, local people at Masinagudi staged a protest demanding the tiger to be captured. The road roko lasted for more than three hours. There was a road roko at Masinagudi on Saturday also. Following the developments, Tamil Nadu Chief Wildlife Warden Shekhar Kumar Niraj issued an order to hunt down T23. Five special teams were formed after the order was issued.
The forest department order observed that the tiger attacks started happening from July onwards. The male tiger aged 10 - 11 years was found to be injured in the territorial fight with other tigers. It strayed into the fringes and looking for easy prey. The tiger has become dangerous to humans and livestock.
After careful consideration of the reports submitted by the Gudalur Forest Office and the Nilgiris district collector, the Chief Wildlife Warden has issued the order to capture the problematic tiger under section 11 of the Wildlife Protection Act and by the provisions issued by the National Tiger Conservation Authority.