Salem (Tamil Nadu): Five people including a three-month-old infant and two women were killed while seven others sustained injuries when a private omnibus rammed into a tractor in Kaveripattinam on Thursday morning. According to official sources, all the deceased were laborers and residents of Sevalur Village in the Dharmapuri district. The incident took place on Salem- Bengaluru National Highway, they added.
Official sources said that at least 20 people of Dharmapuri district's Sevalur village were traveling on a tractor when a private omnibus rammed into it and the tractor overturned. They further revealed that five people including two women and a three-month-old infant died on the spot while seven others sustained injuries in the accident.
" The injured were rushed to Krishnagiri Government Hospital and Medical College. The police rushed to the spot and are investigating the incident. All 20 people were laborers and were traveling to Andhra Pradesh for Aloe Vera cultivation," sources added.