Hyderabad:Hours after writing to Chief Minister MK Stalin intimating about dismissal of his cabinet colleague Senthil Balaji, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi suspends his own orders on the advice of Union Home Minister Amit Shah. The Union Minister has adviced the figure head of state government to seek legal opinion before he proceeds further with his order dismissing a Cabinet Minister without the advice of the CM.
Ravi, in his letter, referred to his D.O. Letter no 0013/RBTN/2023 regarding the status of Minister without portfolio V Senthil Balaji. In this regard, I have been advised by the Union Minister of Home Affairs that it would be prudent to seek the opinion of the Attorney General also. Accordingly, I am approaching the Attorney General for his opinion. Meanwhile, the order of dismissal of the minister may be kept in abeyance until further communication from me, Ravi who signed in Hindi said.
Sources said the protocol is that the Governor will have to intimate the Home Ministry through which he reports to the President of India. When Ravi brought his act to the notice of Home Ministry which has its plate filled with issues related to Manipur, the Ministry sought the advice of Amit Shah.