Chennai:Late Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa's aide V K Sasikala, who is serving a four-year prison term in a Bengaluru jail, is expected to be released soon, her lawyer hoped while the AIADMK asserted that there is no change in its stand of keeping her out of the party.
N Raja Senthoor Pandian, lawyer of the jailed confidante of the late AIADMK supremo, said that as per the Karnataka Prison Manual, she is eligible for ordinary remission available to all prisoners and this has not been denied to anyone so far.
As per norms, three days of remission for good conduct is available for every month in jail and so far, she has completed 43 months, making her eligible for a reduction of 129 days in prison, he told reporters.
"The Karnataka Prison Manual does not have any provision barring remission to those convicted for offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act.
Read:|Sasikala unlikely to be released any time soon: Jail officials
As per the manual, I strongly believe that she will be released by the month-end," he said answering a question.
When the remission of 129 days is applied, the release will be during the month-end and not the previously expected date of January 2021, he said.
Efforts are afoot to pay the fine of Rs 10 crore as per the court order, he said.