Chennai: Deputy Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and senior AIADMK leader O Panneerselvam has said that there is no hindrance in former party general secretary VK Sasikala coming back to the AIADMK provided she complies with its inner-party democracy. He was speaking to a private television channel on Tuesday.
He said that Sasikala has done some good work for the growth of the AIADMK and that he does not have any personal issues with her.
Read:|Sasikala may reenter politics if AIADMK bites dust
The Deputy CM said, "There were certain issues related to the death of former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and there were some doubts against Sasikala. My position has always been that she should clarify these doubts, if that is cleared I don't have any problem."
The senior leader added that Chief Minister K Palaniswamy will also have to take a call on Sasikala's return to the AIADMK. However, the CM has been vehemently criticizing both Sasikala and her nephew TTV Dhinakaran in the run-up to the elections.