Tiruvannamalai: Burglars broke open Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in Tamil Nadu's Tiruvannamalai and decamped with Rs 75 lakhs in the early hours of Sunday, the police said. Out of the four ATMs, three belong to the State Bank of India (SBI) located near Mari Amman temple, Thenimalai area, Polur Bus stand and one belongs to One India located in the Kalasappakkam area.
Later, ATMs and CCTV cameras were set on fire by the robbers so that the police could not trace their fingerprints and video recording of the burglary. They broke open the ATMs at four places and looted the money and then set the ATM machines on fire. Similarly, the CCTV cameras and hard disks in the ATM centres were burnt.
On receiving the information, the police reached the spots and started an investigation. Under the supervision of North Zone Police IG Kannan, six separate teams, including three police superintendents, have been formed and the police department has been actively investigating the matter with the help of the CCTV footage.