Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Sunday hit out at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over rising fuel prices and unemployment, saying it is a result of the ruling party's mismanagement of the economy. While addressing a press conference here, he pointed out that there was no increase in fuel prices before elections, but afterwards, the price had been hiked 40 times.
"The country's economy is reeling because of the Modi-led Central government. Many companies have started cutting wages and the fuel price has impacted the price of every other essential item. Mismanagement of the economy has lead to unemployment, even the demonetisation disaster. They never prepared for the economy," he said. He further said that 96 per cent of the hiked taxes were going to Delhi and demanded that a larger share be given to state governments.
Read: Shashi Tharoor retracts tweet on Sumitra Mahajan after BJP leaders say she is fine