Chennai: On Sept 9, Rajkumar, a rental car driver from Palani Neykarapatti in Tamil Nadu was sleeping in his car when he received a text message from the Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank at around 3 pm confirming deposit of Rs 9000 crore in his bank account. Unable to believe his luck, an astonished Rajkumar first thought that someone was playing a prank with him.
To cross check the money deposit, Rajkumar, who had a meagre Rs 15 in his account, tried to sent Rs 21,000 to a friend. To Rajkumar's utter delight, the money was successfully transferred to his friend's account confirming that the Rs 9000 crore credited to his bank were for real. However, the happiness was shortlived as Rajkumar received a phone call from Thoothukudi, where the head office of Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank is located.
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The caller on the other side of the phone told Rajkumar that the Rs 9000 crore had been deposited into his account by mistake. The caller asked Rajkumar not to spend any amount from the money. The Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank is said to have withdrawn all the remaining money after Rajkumar transferred Rs 21000 to a friend.
It is also said that the bank management started threatening Rajkumar for the amount transferred amount. Rajkumar decided to file a complaint at the nearest police station saying his life might be in danger. After the police complaint lawyers from the Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank in Thiagaraya Nagar, Chennai and from the driver Rajkumar's side engaged in negotiations.
It is learnt that the bank has negotiated a compromise and granted a vehicle loan to Rajkumar, who returned the Rs 21,000 that was transacted out of 9,000 crore rupees. The sudden deposit of such a massive amount in the bank account of the rental car driver has created a stir in the area.