Chennai:Even as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has launched a legal battle with the Centre to secure exemption from NEET for undergraduate medical admissions in the state, the suicide of three aspirants has come to haunt the ruling DMK. Since scrapping NEET for the state was a prime poll pledge of the DMK, this has given a convenient handle to the insipid opposition, comprising the AIADMK and the BJP, to target the government. Alarmed at the tide turning against it, the government had resorted to firefighting to contain the damage.
Making an emotional appeal to the students, Stalin in a video message said, “I beg of you, please do not end your lives. Nothing is impossible for you. Study with confidence. Your life is invaluable not just to your families but to the nation as well. The nation's future depends on your future.” Further, he urged parents, teachers, social workers and those in the film industry to instil and foster confidence and self-esteem in the children.
In the same breath, he blamed NEET for shattering the hopes of those aspiring to become doctors. But, a stone-hearted Union Government refuses to budge, he charged adding, “For generations, access to education was denied to many. At a time when that access was opening up, NEET was introduced to shut the doors once again.”
The first of the suicides, that of Dhanush of Salem district on September 12 had come as a major embarrassment to the government. For only the next day, Stalin piloted the Bill seeking exemption for NEET, which was passed in the Assembly. The student was to appear for his third attempt. The other two girls, Kanimozhi and Soundarya, had taken the extreme step after appearing in the examination.