Chennai:Unidentified miscreants hurled a petrol bomb at a car belonging to Vincent Raja, former District Secretary of AIADMK MGR Youth wing, on Monday. The incident took place at a tar plant owned by Raja at Melakkavanur in Ramanathapuram. According to police, a security guard had parked the vehicle inside the plant on Sunday night. At 2:45 am, a bang was heard and few people were seen fleeing the spot after hurling a petrol bomb at Raja's luxury car, eyewitnesses were quoted as saying by the police.
"Police are scanning CCTV footages to identify the miscreants," a police official said. A probe has been launched to nab the attackers. Meanwhile, Raja has accused former minister RB Udayakumar and Ramanathapuram District Secretary Muniyasamy of carrying out the attack.
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