Chennai: Superstar Rajinikanth has been fined by the Chennai Traffic Police for not wearing his seat-belt. He was challaned Rs 100 for the offence on June 26 which he paid on July 23.
Receipt of challan paid by Rajinikanth A few days back, pictures of Rajinikanth driving a brand-new Lamborghini car went viral on social media. Later, pictures of the superstar with his daughter Soundarya and her family, with the new car in the background, were also shared.
As per reports, Rajinikanth had driven to his farmhouse in Kelambakkam on July 20. People then on social media also questioned whether Rajinikanth had obtained an e-pass for travelling to another district.
Superstar Rajinikanth with his daughter Meanwhile, on Wednesday, it was found that the superstar had obtained an e-pass, citing medical emergency as reason, for travelling to Kelambakkam.
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