Tirupur(Tamil Nadu): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday slammed the RSS, saying the parent body of the BJP cannot decide the future of Tamil Nadu and it would be determined by the state's people and its youngsters.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has got a 'confusion,' and he thought that just because he can 'blackmail' the government of Tamil Nadu, he could control the people of the state as well, he said addressing a public meeting near here.
The Congress leader alleged: "He (Modi) does not understand, only the Tamil people can decide the future of Tamil Nadu.
Knickerwallahs (a colloquial reference to shorts, previous organisational uniform of RSS men) from Nagpur can never ever decide the future of the state.
Does not matter how many parades (by RSS members) they have. Tamil Nadu's future will be decided by the state's youngsters."
He said he was in TN to help people elect a government that would look after the interests of the Tamil people and one that cannot be controlled or blackmailed by the Prime Minister.
On the second day of his campaign today, Gandhi said he was helping the people as he owed them a debt for their love and affection. His ties with Tamil Nadu was a 'family relationship,' he said.