Chennai: Frequent power outages are back to haunt the new DMK Government in Tamil Nadu. Electricity Minister Senthil Balaji is in an unenviable situation. Initially, he explained that it was due to maintenance works left unattended by the previous AIADMK government. When power disruption turned out to be more frequent, the minister, in his attempt to explain it away, shifted the blame on squirrels running amok on power cables. For this unusual reasoning, he got trolled and an avalanche of memes followed coupled with opposition derision. On Tuesday, he made it clear that power cuts won't be there anymore except during regular maintenance work. But the poor little squirrel has rattled the DMK.
For the DMK, the power sector continues to remain its Achilles' heel, whenever the party is in power. So much so that in popular perception, the Dravidian major and power cuts have become synonymous. Indeed the DMK's defeat in the 2011 assembly election was primarily attributed to prolonged power outage crippling agriculture and industry alike. Now, soon after the new DMK government assumed office, blackouts have raised their ugly head. When Electricity Minister V Senthil Balaji shifted the blame on squirrels running amok on the cables as the villain, he got a taste of online troll and opposition ridicule.
Initially, the Minister's reasoning that carrying out maintenance works abandoned by the then AIADMK government was resulting in outages across the state, was swallowed like a bitter pill. But, then he pointed fingers at the harmless and amiable squirrel, a pet for many, last week has not gone down well, opening up the floodgates of derisive memes. His belated statement that there won't be any power cuts hasn't helped salvage the damage.
"Power outages in certain places occur when cables come into contact due to squirrels running on them and tree branches crossing the lines," was his reasoning at a media briefing.
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It had an echo in the assembly as well with the principal opposition, AIADMK training its guns on Balaji, a former AIADMK strongman. "In Chennai, it's mostly underground cables. How come, squirrels could be the reason?" questioned former Power Minister, P Thangamani.
Another former minister, Sellur K Raju, who floated the thermocol sheets on Vaigai dam to prevent evaporation of water, had this to say, "I was ridiculed as a 'modern scientist' for the thermocol event. Now, Senthil Balaji has eclipsed me."