Nagapattinam (Tamil Nadu): In a controversial move, the Nagapattinam district secretary of Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK), Sithamalli Pazhani Saamy, has announced a cash reward of Rs one lakh to any youngster who attacks actor Surya. The announcement was in response to Surya's recently released movie - Jai Bhim.
Controversy erupted after PMK claimed that the negative character in the movie was named after the late PMK leader "Kaaduvetti Guru" to defame the party. Saamy with his party members filed a petition with the Mayiladuthurai Superintendent of Police Suguna Singh, seeking action against the producer and director of the movie.
"The film was intentionally made to demean the name of late PMK leader Kaaduvetti Guru and they have portrayed the Vanniyar caste in a negative light and it is bound to affect the reconciliation efforts between Vanniyars and other caste's people. So we are seeking severe action against actor Suriya, Gnanavel and Jyothika," said the petition.