Port Moresby: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday released the Tamil classic 'Thirukkural' in the Tok Pisin language, aimed at bringing the Indian thought and culture closer to the people of the southwestern Pacific nation. He released the book along with his Papua New Guinea counterpart James Marape.
Modi who arrived here on Sunday on his maiden visit to Papua New Guinea has become the first Indian PM to visit the country. PM Modi co-hosted with Marape a key summit between India and 14 Pacific island countries to boost bilateral ties. The Papua New Guinea PM touched PM Modi's feet on the latter's arrival to the island nation.
Tok Pisin is the official language of Papua New Guinea. The Tamil classic was translated by Subha Sasindran and Governor Sasindran Muthuvel of West New Britain Province. "Indian diaspora keeping alive connect with the motherland! PM@narendramodi & PM James Marape launched a translation of the Tamil classic Thirukkural' in the Tok Pisin language of Papua New Guinea," the Ministry of External Affairs tweeted. The book brings Indian thought and culture closer to the people of Papua New Guinea, the MEA claimed.