Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu):A criminal case has been registered against an unknown person in connection with the fire incident in Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Limited (NLCIL), said Sree Abhinav, Cuddalore Superintendent of Police (SP).
"We have registered a criminal case against an unknown person and the investigation is taken up by DSP level officer instead of inspector and they will probe if there was any criminal negligence on the part of anybody in the power plant," said Abhinav.
"Yesterday we too heard about the increase in death numbers but when we enquired we got to know that the death toll is six as of now," he added.
Meanwhile, the Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Limited (NLCIL) on Wednesday announced that a high-level enquiry headed by a retired National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Director has been ordered into the fire incident in NLCIL.
NLCIL further said in a release that an internal enquiry committee with senior executives headed by NLCIL Director has also been constituted.