Chennai: The newly-appointed state president of the Tamil Nadu unit of the BJP, K. Annamalai will take charge at the party-state committee office here on Friday. He replaces Loganathan Murugan, who has joined the Narendra Modi's council of ministers as a Union Minister of State for Fisheries and Animal Husbandry. Annamalai has commenced a two-day journey from his hometown of Coimbatore and has vowed that his immediate aim is to revive the party-state unit and to make it a fighting force. While speaking to reporters at Tiruppur en route to Chennai, the BJP leader said that his party is the only political party with a strong ideological base and that the party will capture power in Tamil Nadu in the near future.
Annamalai, who had quit the Indian Police Service (IPS), said that the new party state leadership would be a mixture of both senior leaders and young turks and added that he would act as a catalyst against the ruling DMK. He charged the Stalin government of providing false vaccine figures to the Centre and added that the functionaries of the ruling party created a false shortage of vaccines. He said that the state government and its functionaries were blaming the Centre unnecessarily after creating a false vaccine shortage.