Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu): Police from Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu have imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 on a restaurant. Reason? It did not give policemen, sambar, free of cost! The restaurant owner has filed a complaint against these policemen with the district superintendent of police.
Sambar is a South Indian stew made with lentils, mixed vegetables, tamarind, herbs, spices and spice powder.
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A policeman allegedly went to a restaurant opposite the Collectorate in Kanchipuram district on Friday and demanded sambar free of cost. The hotel employees refused to heed his demand and said he will have to pay for sambar. Following this, an argument broke out between them.
Sub Inspector Rajamanikkam, who visited the restaurant on Saturday, slapped a fine of Rs 5,000 on the restaurant owner for 'violating COVID guidelines'. Interestingly, Rajamanikkam was accompanied by the policeman who had, the previous day, demanded free sambar.