Chennai: Asserting that there were no uncertainties regarding a tie-up with actor Vijayakanth-led DMDK for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the AIADMK Saturday said there would be good news soon. The ruling AIADMK, which is in an alliance with the BJP and PMK, has been making all-out efforts to rope in the DMDK.
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"There are no such uncertainties. In one or two days we will be taking a good decision and will announce happy news (in this regard)," AIADMK coordinator O Panneerselvam, who is also the deputy chief minister of Tamil Nadu, told reporters after a meeting at the party headquarters here.
While the AIADMK has concluded its poll deal with the BJP and the PMK for the Lok Sabha polls by allotting five and seven seats in the state to them respectively, talks with the DMDK and other smaller outfits are yet to be formalised. BJP's Tamil Nadu in-charge and Railway Minister Piyush Goyal had gone to DMDK chief Vijayakanth's house last month.