Chennai: A 24-year-old man died after he slipped off a moving train in an attempt to take back his mobile phone from an unidentified phone snatcher. The Korrukupet railway police after a primary investigation arrested two accused identified as Vijayakumar (19) and Vijay (19) from Ambedkar Nagar Railway colony in Korrukupet.
Police said that the deceased, Roni along with his cousin Asarab Sheik (24) were sitting near the gate of the S4 compartment of the Coromandel Express. When the train reached Basin Bridge railway station, a youth standing on the track hit Roni's hand so that his phone falls and he can run away with it.
In an attempt to take back the phone, Roni slipped and fell down from the train and sustained severe head injuries. Police rushed him to the hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. The body for post-mortem also a probe has started into the matter, police said.