Chennai:An AirAsia Kuala Lumpur-bound international flight made an emergency landing at the Chennai airport on Thursday evening after a passenger complained of chest pain, an official said. The flight with about 278 passengers was proceeding from Jeddah. The complainant, identified as Buhari DT Jinto (64), an Indonesian national, who was travelling in the plane, suddenly complained of chest pain while the plane was passing through the Chennai airspace on Thursday night. The flight attendants then informed the pilots. The pilots immediately decided to land the plane at the Chennai international airport.
The chief pilot then immediately contacted the Chennai airport Control Room and explained the situation. He requested that the flight be allowed to land urgently. In this regard, the Chennai airport Control Room officials contacted the head Control Room in Delhi and reported the situation. The officials then allowed the flight to land in Chennai immediately and instructed them to provide all necessary medical assistance to the passenger.