Madurai (Tamil Nadu): Five arrested accused in Madurai train coach fire were sent to judicial custody by Madurai District Court. The court remanded them to judicial custody until September 11, allowing authorities to conduct further investigations. Five people, including tour operators and a cook, had been arrested in connection with the Madurai train coach fire. Nine pilgrims hailing from Uttar Pradesh, who were travelling to Rameswaram, had lost their lives.
The arrested accused Sathyaprakash, Narendra, Kardish Sakhani, Deepak and Sukum Kashyap were produced before the Chief Judicial Magistrate of the Madurai District Court. The five accused were booked under Sections 302,304 and 285 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Section 164 of the Indian Railway (IR) Act.
It may be recalled that a tourist coach in the Lucknow-Rameswaram Express was parked at Madurai's outer yard. The train coach caught fire last Saturday morning due to a cylinder explosion, which resulted in the death of nine people. Several others were grievously injured.