Chennai (Tamil Nadu): The Tamil Nadu Crime Branch CID police have registered an FIR against DGP Rajesh Das, following allegations of sexual harassment made by a fellow IPS officer. Special Director General of Police (Law and Order) Rajesh Das and Chengalpattu Superintendent of Police D Kannan have been booked under Section 354 (outraging modesty of a woman) of the IPC along with sections 3 and 4 of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Harassment of Women Act.
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The Tamil Nadu government even set up a six-member inquiry committee led by Additional Chief Secretary Jayashree Raghunandan to probe the woman IPS officer's complaint against Rajesh Das, who has been placed on "compulsory wait" at the office of the DGP.
Allegations have been made that Chengalpattu SP D Kannan had apprehended the female officer in order to prevent her from lodging a complaint against Rajesh Das. While SP Mutharasi has been appointed the CB-CID investigation officer in the case.