Chennai:The Madras High Court on Thursday rejected a bail petition filed by YouTuber TTF Vasan in a case booked against him for rash riding on the road. The court observed that his bike should have been burnt and asked him to close his YouTube channel. Vasan was arrested by the police on September 19 for driving recklessly on the Chennai-Vellore Highway.
A case was registered against him for driving the two-wheeler in a fast, careless and dangerous manner. Following this, the Kanchipuram District Court rejected the bail plea filed by Vasan. In this case, a petition was filed in the Madras High Court on behalf of TTF Vasan seeking bail. The petition was heard by Justice CV Karthikeyan.
The lawyer appearing for Vasan said that the petitioner did not cause the accident intentionally and no one was injured. He said that as he sustained an injury on his right hand in the accident, he should be granted bail for treatment at a private hospital. Following this, the police said, "Vasan has done this for his 40 lakh fans, who follow him on social media. For such adventures, Vasan has bought a special armour suit worth Rs 2 to Rs 4 lakhs and a bike worth Rs 20 lakhs.