Chennai: In a far reaching judgment giving relief to the students, the Madras High Court on Monday ruled that an evaluated answer sheet is information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 and Universities are bound to provide copies of such answer scripts to the examinees concerned.
Dismissing a writ petition filed by the Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University, Justice S.M. Subramaniam directed the university to supply the copies of answer-sheets sought by the respondent-students, under the RTI Act.
The Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University had approached the Madras High Court challenging the decisions of the Tamil Nadu State Information Commission's order allowing students to get copies of answer scripts through RTI Act, 2005.
Justice Subramanium rejected the varsity's contention that it is governed by its own rules, and said that the university should provide information only as per the rules framed by the Parliament and not by the rules enacted by them.
This came after the Petitioner-University contended that it had not rejected the students' claim but only had insisted the examines to follow the procedures prescribed under the varsity's rules and regulations, as per which, certain charges had been prescribed.