Chennai (Tamil Nadu):"A city to some, a home to many"- this posting on Twitter by a user of the microblogging site aptly sums up the emotions of many who love Madras, now known as Chennai, as the city turned 380 years on Thursday.
Chennaites and those who moved to other places took to Twitter to wish the capital city of Tamil Nadu a Happy Birthday, and share memories and emotions connected with it.
Founded on August 22, 1639, the city Chennapattinam was later renamed as Madraspatanam and soon people began calling it as Madras. British East India Company purchased Madrasapattinam village in 1639 which marked the founding of the Madras.
In 1996, the Tamil Nadu government officially changed its name to Chennai.
However, for those born before the 90s, Chennai has always remained Madras similar to how Kolkata continues to be known by its erstwhile 'Calcutta'.