Tirunelveli: Reminiscent of the Bollywood melodrama of the 90s, the parents of a woman in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli district have resisted her marriage to her boyfriend, who lost his legs in an accident recently despite strong opposition by her parents, who have taken her away. It is learnt that Prakash (25), a resident of Kesavaneri near Valliyur in Tirunelveli district, was working in a private company in Chennai and Divya (22) from Valliammalpuram were in love for five years.
As both belong to the same community, there was no fear of conflict over the marriage between the two households. However, fate had something other in the store. Two years ago, while Prakash was returning from Chennai on a two-wheeler, he met with an accident and he sustained injuries in the spinal cord. Prakash was paralysed below the waist and virtually lost both his legs in the accident.
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While Prakash became bedridden, the accident also broke the back of Divya, who was looking forward to her marriage with Prakash. More than sorrow, it was a test for Divya's love for Prakash, which though turned out to be unconditional as she continued her relationship with Prakash despite his accident. However, like in typical 90s Bollywood films, the girl's parents opposed their love and insisted Divya break up with Prakash.
But Divya, defying all the odds, denied to bow out. Despite all these objections, Prakash and Divya got married on September 20 at Prakash's house in the presence of his family alone. It is said that Divya's parents came to know about this and went to Prakash's house on September 29 and got into an argument with the family.
Prakash said that then they attacked him, smashed the things in the house and dragged Divya away. Prakash, who is undergoing treatment at the Valliyur Government Hospital, has filed a complaint with the Valliyur Police Station. He has demanded action and a reunion with his wife Divya. It remains to be seen whether the relationship will have a happy ending. There was no immediate comment by the police on the incident.