Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami on Thursday asserted that a decision on extending the lockdown will be taken after getting expert advice and taking into account the increase in the number of coronavirus positive cases.
Palaniswami, after a consultative meeting with a dozen government panels set up to tackle COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu, cautioned that there is a chance for the infection to progress to the community transmission stage and appealed to people to cooperate for effective implementation of curbs considering the gravity of the contagion.
Speaking to reporters at the Secretariat, he said a decision on the extension of lockdown depended on a couple of factors.
"A decision will be taken considering the status of the is contagious and the number of cases is on the rise and as of now 738 people are infected and these aspects will be factored in," he said answering a question.
The Chief Minister's pointer towards the steady rise in the number of cases is seen as a hint that the government might consider prolonging lockdown.