Chennai: Five years after the daring break-in and gruesome murder at the Kodanad estate, which made headlines across the country, one of the owners of the property, VK Sasikala, was questioned by the Special Investigating Team (SIT), giving fresh momentum to the ongoing probe. It was a marathon interrogation from morning till evening which is to be continued on Friday as well.
That the heist took place on the night of April 23, 2017, within a couple of months of her incarceration at a Bengaluru prison in the wealth case and when EPS was Chief Minister, has only added to the intrigue. For, the palatial mansion, a fortress in the hills, was also a seat of power till Jayalalithaa passed away in December 2016. Hence, suspicions were raised when the chargesheet filed by the police said that the 11-member gang had decamped with 10 wristwatches and a crystal doll. On her part, Sasikala too kept a studied silence on the burglary.
The armed gang was led by C Kanagaraj, a former driver of Jayalalithaa, who also hailed from Edappadi, the native village of EPS. According to the chargesheet, he had hatched the conspiracy to lay hands on the crores of cash stashed at the bungalow. But for him, all others in the gang were from Kerala. On reaching the estate on a fateful day, they tied Krishna Thapa, one of the guards at the gate. Another guard at another gate, Om Bhadur was murdered. Significantly, all the CCTV cameras at the mansion were switched off.
It was the subsequent death of Kanagaraj and others in a span of four months and the laxity in the investigation that puzzled everyone. Within five days of the heist, Kanagaraj, the prime accused, was killed in a road accident near Attur. On the same day, Sayana, the second accused, who was driving a car met with an accident near Palakkad, in which he survived with minor injuries while his wife and daughter were killed. Later, in July that year, Dinesh Kumar, the computer operator at the bungalow, had died of suicide.