Chennai: A judge of the Madras High Court on Monday recused herself from hearing a plea of Congress MP Karti Chidambaram, son of party leader P Chidambaram, and his wife in connection with a case of alleged income tax evasion and another declined to entertain it.
When the plea against framing of charges in the tax case against Karti and his wife Srinidhi came up before Justice Anita Sumanth, counsels for the tax department said documents seized from Advantage Strategic Private Limited was the basis for the cases.
They submitted that since she had represented the company when she was an advocate, it would not be appropriate for hern to hear the petition.
Senior advocate KTS Tulsi, representing the petitioners pleaded that the court should at least adjourn the matter till January 20 with an interim injunction against the special court from framing charges.
However, concurring with the submission of counsels for the tax department, the judge recused herself from hearing the matter.
When the senior counsel made an urgent mention before Justice P Rajamanickam, the judge wondered how he could hear the plea since he was not the portfolio judge.
To this, senior counsel Nalini Chidambaram, mother of Karti, submitted they made a representation before the Chief Justice who had, in turn, directed the registry to list the matter before him.
However, Justice Rajamanickam sought to know where is the order by the CJ, saying he cannot entertain the plea without the order.
"I was not aware of the facts of the case," the judge added.
Counsels for the tax department raised several objections to the court hearing the matter.
They contended that the crime numbers mentioned by the petitioners were incorrect and must be rectified.