Chennai:Kanyakumari Congress MP Vijay Vasanth has complained to police that his pen worth Rs 1.50 lakh had been missing since he participated in an event at a Chennai hotel where the Opposition’s presidential candidate, Yashwant Sinha met MLAs and MPs of the DMK-led alliance in Tamil Nadu on June 30 to seek their support.
Kanyakumari MP Vijay Vasanth's Rs 1.50 lakh pen goes missing, case registered
The Congress MP from Kanyakumari Lok Sabha constituency has registered a case about his highly costly missing pen.
In his complaint lodged with the Guindy police on Tuesday, Vasanth said the lost pen was a Montblanc fountain pen, which he had inherited from his late father, H Vasantha Kumar, who was the MP for Kanyakumari. A First Information Report copy is required to claim this insurance. That is why MP Vijay has lodged a complaint to the police about his lost pen. Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu police are searching the lost pen with the help of the hotel's CCTV camera footage of the hotel.
Also Read-A man from AP's Tenali preserving lost legacy of fountain pens