Chennai:In a noble gesture, renowned actor and MNM party leader Kamal Haasan announced that a car will be given as a gift to female driver Sharmila of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, who quit her job in a controversy that erupted during DMK MP Kanimozhi's visit to Kovai in Tamil Nadu. Sharmila, who has been an employee so far, hopes to grow in a way that will provide employment to many people from now on, he said.
The female bus driver of Tamil Nadu happened to be in the driver's seat when DMK MP Kanimozhi travelled in the bus during her recent visit to Kovai. During that time, the bus conductor issued the ticket to the MP, Sharmila objected to the conductor's behaviour and complained to the management.
DMK leader and MP Kanimozhi recently travelled from Gandhipuram in Coimbatore to Peelamedu on a private bus. Appreciating the talent of Sharmila, a female driver driving the bus, Kanimozhi presented her with a wristwatch. Later, Sharmila complained to her management that the trainee bus conductor misbehaved with MP Kanimozhi on the bus she drove.
At the same time, the conductor also complained against Sharmila alleging that she was causing inconvenience to passengers by often inviting celebrities to travel in the bus for her popularity. This matter became a topic of discussion when the management dismissed Sharmila from the job after hearing the arguments of both of them.
"It hurts me that the issue of Sharmila, the first woman bus driver in Coimbatore, is a topic of discussion. She was a great inspiration to the youth. Sharmila should not remain just a driver. My belief is to create many Sharmilas. We are giving a car to Sharmila on behalf of Kamal Cultural Centre. Kamal Haasan stated that this car can be used to grow as an entrepreneur to provide employment to more people rather than just cab services.