Chennai:Former Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa's inquiry panel report has indicted the deceased leader's confidante VK Sasikala, former Health Minister C Vijayabaskar, former Health Secretary K Radhakrishnan, and Dr KS Sivakumar (Sasikala's relative and personal doctor of Jayalalithaa). On Tuesday, Tamil Nadu government tabled the Commission of Inquiry's report in Assembly on circumstances surrounding the death of Jayalalithaa.
The Justice A Arumughaswamy Commission of Inquiry is constrained to come to no other conclusion, but to indict Sasikala, the report noted. Sasikala was convicted in a disproportionate assets case in which Jayalalithaa was a co-accused. The report dwelled at depth into the circumstances leading to death of Jayalalithaa.
The report wondered why Jayalalithaa was not taken abroad for treatment. "Even though Dr. Richard Beale said he is prepared to take late C.M. abroad for treatment, why it did not materialise. Dr Samin Sharma convinced Jayalalithaa for taking angio and she also agreed for the same, but why it had not taken place," the report said. The report also indicted Dr YVC Reddy and Dr Babu Abraham who have treated Jayalalithaa for postponing the angiogram "under some pressure," and to probe the same.
"Rama Mohana Rao, then Chief Secretary, except that he has not addressed a letter and intimated to the Government regarding his signature in 21 forms on various dates for the procedural aspects, the Commission finds criminality against him; of course it is a man made vital lapse and he would reap the consequences, especially because the life of late C.M. was involved. Hence, investigation is to be ordered, the report said.