Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Thursday hailed the Supreme Court green signal to the bull-taming sport 'jallikattu,' saying it was a verdict worth "engraving in gold in the history" of the state. With the apex court upholding the Tamil Nadu law allowing the sport, a "victory event" will be celebrated in the January 2024 Pongal season, he said in a tweet.
The BJP's state unit credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "persistent efforts" for the removal of the ban. The DMK lauded party chief Stalin-led dispensation for the favourable judgement, saying it was possible due to the government placing "good" arguments in support of jallikattu in the court.
A five-judge Constitution bench headed by Justice K M Joseph delivered a unanimous verdict on jallikattu today. In a tweet, Stalin said:" the verdict delivered by the Supreme Court bench that there is no ban on holding jallikattu, a sport reflecting Tamils' bravery and culture is worth engraving in gold in the history of Tamil Nadu."
It was a "huge victory" to the legal battle taken forward by the Tamil Nadu government, he noted. "We are constructing a massive jallikattu arena in Alanganallur (in Madurai). We will celebrate a victory event during Pongal" in January 2024, he added. Patting the Stalin-led government, the DMK's official Twitter handle said #DMKSavesTamilPride."