Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Former Finance Minister P Chidambaram's son Karti Chidambaram on Thursday said that his father's arrest by CBI on Wednesday night in connection with INX Media case is being done just to divert attention from the issue of Article 370.
"It (arrest of P Chidambaram by CBI) is being done just to divert attention from the issue of Article 370," Karti told media here.
"This whole thing is politically trumped-up. There are no merits whatsoever. These are apparently about alleged events which took place in 2008 for which an FIR was filed in 2017. I have been raided four times. I have been summoned 20 times. I have appeared for at least 10-12 hours in each of the summonses. I was also the guest of the CBI for 11 days. Everybody who is even remotely associated with me has been summoned and extensively questioned, and still, we don't have a charge-sheet. There is no case. I have absolutely no link with INX Media," Karti said.
On the arrest of P Chidambaram, Karti said: "This is like a staged reality show to have all these dramatic visuals on television. There is no reason for this kind of drama... It's not done in an honest investigation... They are still in an FIR stage. There is no charge-sheet for an event which apparently happened in 2008. Nearly 11 years after you still can't have a charge-sheet for an event, your FIR was filed in 2017."
Karti claimed that the officials who are investigating "clearly know that there is no case, but nobody has the courage to actually write in the file that there is no case, let's close."
"They will just keep the pot boiling and can have a never-ending investigation. In India, unfortunately, there is no time limit to close an investigation. You can keep the investigation open forever and that's a great tool for harassment. My father has appeared for every summon which is being served upon," he said.
When asked about the Delhi High Court's August 20 order, Karti said, "If you are going to rely on the judgment of August 20, 2019, I would only respectfully say that you must contrast it with the judgment of March 23, 2018, of Justice RS Garg of the Delhi High Court. Please read that judgment. It's in the same case and the same facts. It pertains to me."