Chennai (Tamil Nadu):While the ruling AIADMK had roped in poll strategist Sunil Kanugolu, the DMK depends on Prashant Kishor’s Indian Political Action Committee for 2021 Assembly elections in Tamil Nadu. Versatile actor Kamal Hassan seems to have adopted a model being followed by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s Left Democratic Front government in Kerala. Moved by the success of LDF in Kerala, Kamal meets Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Vijayan and gets inputs from him often.
The actor, who used to adopt scripts from a number of Hollywood, Bollywood and other films to make many of his Tamil films during the 60-year long film career, looked towards Kerela for making a mark in Tamil Nadu politics this year.
The blockbuster 2015 Papanasam thriller film was a remake of his 2013 Malayalam film Drishyam. Kamal adorned the role as a Suyambu, a middle-class cable TV operator in the film. In real life, Kamal has adopted a model followed by Pinarayi Vijayan. The LDF registered a thumping victory in the local body poll held in Kerala in December last year. Among others, the LDF adopted a policy of roping in noted public servants, experts in various fields and influential personalities.
Kamal, known for acting in numerous roles in films, has followed the LDF policy and invited IAS, IPS, Scientists and others who have worked for the welfare of the people.
Already retired IPS officer AG Maurya and others were given berths in the party. Recently IAS officer Dr Santhosh Kumar joined the party after taking VRS. Of late, the party has approached IAS officer Sagayam, who had taken VRS and Ponraj too, a personal assistant of former President and missile man, late Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.