New Delhi: The Income Tax Department, on Tuesday, conducted searches in two cases of Kanchipuram, one being a Chit Fund and Financing Group and the other a retailer of Silk Sarees and other garments. The search operations were carried out at 34 premises located in Kanchipuram, Chennai and Vellore.
In the case of the Chit Fund group, it was found that this group was running an unauthorised chit fund business, and all the investments and pay-outs of more than Rs 400 crore, in the last few years, were done entirely in cash. Evidence revealed that the group had earned unaccounted income by way of commission and dividends.
Numerous Promissory notes, signed post-dated cheques and power of attorney documents kept as collateral for the loans given or from chit subscribers have also been seized. The group had also earned unaccounted interest income from cash financing and had huge unaccounted investments and expenses.
Many property documents registered in the names of group members and their associates have been found and seized. Properties owned by this group’s members include palatial homes, farm houses and lands, luxury vehicles, etc. whereas they were either non-filers or had disclosed negligible income in their tax returns, so far.