Tiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu):Anandraj, a 42-year-old man from Tamil Nadu died tragically after he slipped off a hill near Arunachaleswarar Temple in Thiruvannamalai. Anandraj, who worked as a cashier at the Bank of Baroda, was part of a group of 17 people, including 15 boys and 2 adults, who climbed the 2,668 feet high hill behind the famous Arunachaleswarar Temple in Thiruvannamalai at 6.30 am today. Anandraj led the group in order to train the boys in trekking.
In an unexpected turn of events, Anandraj slipped off the hill and fell to his death following which the 16 other people fled the scene.
It is common for mountaineers to climb through the tower at Tiruvannamalai temple. But Anandraj went to the top of the mountain without anyone's knowledge and gave trekking training through Kandasramam without permission. The deceased is from Villupuram district.