Chennai:The Hindu Munnani on Monday alleged that the authorities intended to acquire 35 acres of land belonging to a temple to build a collectorate complex for the newly carved out Kallakurichi district in Tamil Nadu and strongly opposed the move.
Rather than showing concern about the state of ruin of the Veera Cholapuram Sri Ardhanareeswara temple in Kallakurichi district, the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department has placed advertisements in newspapers about the intended sale of that shrine's land, Munnani, a Tamil Nadu-based affiliate of the RSS said in a statement.
According to the advertisement, Rs 1.98 crore has been fixed as the price for 35 acres owned by the Shiva temple and the bid to acquire the land is to build a new collectorate complex for Kallakurichi district, State Secretary of the Munnani, T Manoharan said.
The government department has invited objections if any to the proposal and office-bearers of the Munnai from Kallakurichi district have forwarded representations to authorities opposing the 'sell-off.'
The proposed alienation not only went against the intention of the donors of the land, which was to create an endowment to support the temple perpetually for its regular functioning but also a 'betrayal,' he alleged.