Madurai (Tamil Nadu): In a heartwarming gesture, the son of Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam reunited a bull and its close friend, a cow, after the latter had been sold.
Muniyadani, a farmer from Madurai, was forced to sell his cow to another farmer in a neighbouring village due to financial cruch during the lockdown.
Heartwarming gesture by TN Dy CM's son, reunites separated cow and bull However, when the cow was loaded onto a vehicle, a bull belonging to the Palamedu Manjamalai Temple kept circling the vehicle, preventing the vehicle from moving for close to an hour.
Finally, when the vehicle managed to move ahead, the bull was seen racing behind it.
Locals said the temple bull and the cow were close friends, and used to spent long periods of time together.
Read:Watch: Affectionate bond between bull and cow leaves people amazed
The video of the bull soon went viral on social media, and was noticed by Jayapradeep, the younger son of Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam.
Moved by the bull's predicament, Jayapradeep bought the cow from the farmer and handed it over to the Palamedu Manjamali Temple committee.
Locals expressed their happiness and said it was a wonderful sight to see the bull and the cow together again.