Madurai: The Madras High Court on Tuesday transferred the investigation into the death of a father-son duo in Tuticorin, alleged victims of police torture, to the Crime Branch of Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID), expressing fear that evidence could disappear by the time CBI took over the probe.
The case would be handled by the Deputy Superintendent of CB-CID, Tirunelveli, Anil Kumar.
The state government had on Monday transferred the probe to the central investigation agency.
A division bench of Justices P N Prakash and B Pugalendhi said the court was handing over the case to the CB-CID as it feared that evidence could disappear by the time CBI took over. The Judges felt that the immediate transfer of the case to the CB-CID was done so that public confidence was not lost.
The bench sought the opinion of the state government on the interim arrangement but transferred the case to the CB-CID.
The post mortem report (preliminary) and Judicial Magistrate's report indicated there was prima facie material for registering a murder case in the matter, the bench said.
The court said the probe of the case should not be delayed even by a second and directed the CB-CID to take up the probe immediately. Meanwhile, three policemen including an Additional SP, appeared before the court as directed by it.