Chennai:The Madras High Court on Monday granted interim bail to Dr Subbiah Shanmugam, the former national president of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), who was arrested on March 19 in connection with a case registered against him by the city police in July 2020.
Justice G Jayachandran granted the interim relief, when the bail application from Dr Subbiah, the head of Oncology department in Government Stanley Hospital came up for hearing today. According to his counsel RC Paul Kanakaraj, one Balaji Vijayaraghavan had lodged a complaint with the Adambakkam police on July 25, 2020 alleging that the petitioner, due to enmity, had thrown used mask inside the gate and urinated in front of his residence.
A case had been registered under Sections 271 and 427 of the IPC and Sec. 4 of TN Prevention of Harassment of Women Act. Two years later, Sec. 3 of Tamil Nadu Public Property (Prevention of Damages and Loss) Act was included in the FIR. He was arrested on March 19, a public holiday. Kanakaraj added that the dispute between the complainant and the petitioner was amicably settled long ago, but the arrest has taken place on the pressure of the men in power, since the petitioner is an office-bearer of the students organisation. He was arrested on a public holiday to detain him for more than 48 hours and thereby invoke the Conduct Rules to place him under suspension, Kanakaraj added.