Kancheepuram (Tamil Nadu): Two gang rape accused and history sheeters were arrested after an exchange of fire with the Kancheepuram police on Saturday. The accused were identified as Nagaraj (32) and Prakash (33), both cousins hailing from Gummidipoondi of Thiruvallur district. While Nagaraj suffered a bullet injury to his right knee, Prakash suffered an injury on his ankle as he fell while trying to escape from police at Sriperumbudur. On December 11, the duo abducted a young woman, who was going home from the Venkadu area, and took her on a two-wheeler, claiming to be policemen.
Also read:Kerala: Three detained for alleged gang rape of 22-year-old woman in Kozhikode
But as soon as they passed Sriperumbudur, the woman grew suspicious and started shouting for help, on which the duo threatened her with a knife and took her to a deserted area and raped her. Later, the woman lodged a complaint through the 'Kavalan app' and based on it, police swung into action and arrested the accused.
"The duo used to roam around in the Sriperumbudur industrial area targeting women walking alone during the night. They would kidnap and sexually assault the victims before robbing them of their valuables," said Superintendent of Police Sudhakar. They also targeted workers and middle-class people in the Sriperumbudur area, he added.
Nagaraj and Prakash were involved in bike and car thefts, too. As one of the culprits had suffered a bullet injury in police firing, there would be a judicial inquiry now, said police. Following the recent gang-rape complaint, Sriperumbudur police tracked the duo to a hideout at a house near the Chipgat Industrial Park in Sriperumbudur town. However, when they were cornered, the duo managed to break the police cordon and tried to flee. Suspecting that they might be carrying weapons, too, police opened fire. The health condition of the duo is stable and had been sent to Stanley Government Hospital in Chennai for treatment.