Chennai: Following sharp backlash from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka over the Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) asking Food Business Operators (FBOs) to use them to use the term 'Dahi' instead of the English word 'curd' on packets of their products, the FSSAI on Thursday modified its order.
The food regulatory body said in a statement that the term 'curd' can be used along with any other common prevalent regional common name in brackets on the label. "As many representations were received recently on the omission of the term 'Curd' from the Standards of Fermented Milk Products, it has been decided that FBOs may use the term curd along with any other designation (prevalent regional common name) in brackets on the label," the FSSAI stated.
Pointing out that it had notified provision for the omission of the term 'curd' from the Standards of Fermented Milk Products in a notification on January 11, 2023, the FSSAI further stated that when the term 'curd' was written along with 'dahi' in the said regulation, it was restricting its use for non-dairy products. Welcoming the move DMK spokesperson Saravanan Annadurai tweeted "Not dahi, its tayir only. FSSAI falls in line. The earlier order on writing Dahi on curd sachets has been withdrawn."
Even Tamil Nadu State BJP president K Annamalai who had earlier expressed his reservation about the FSSAI's emphasis on using the term 'dahi', welcomed its latest modified order on the issue.